EPDOR concludes an exclusivity agreement with representatives of PARAT Halvorsen


More than a year-long cooperation with J&H Eurocat which represents the Norwegian technology manufacturer PARAT Halvorsen, has crystallized into a conclusion of an exclusive partnership for the development of two specific business opportunities in the Czech Republic. The aim of the agreement is the implementation of a high-voltage electrode boiler at two large Czech power plants, with representatives of whom initial discussions have already begun. The initial reactions of potential clients have been positive and we firmly believe we will succeed in implementing the technology, which can help stabilize the transmission system and provide an autonomous source of steam. In Western Europe, this technology is widely used. In the Czech context, however, only a few boilers have been deployed, most notably in the ŠKO-ENERGO complex in Mladá Boleslav or in Teplárny Brno.

Aside from the rather conventional use of the electrode boilers, we envision the real future of PARAT technology in the Czech Republic in its use in tandem with renewable energy sources, which helps to eliminate the problem of RES production intermittency, while allowing for transformation of the potentially unwanted power with almost 100% efficiency into "green heat", which the fossil fuels-dependent district heating industry in the Czech Republic is certainly in need of.