Consulting in the field of business development on international markets
Year of realization: 2017
IT-Service Leipzig is a German company producing equipment for non-destructive testing (defectoscopy), among others. Until 2016, it was active mainly in Germany and gradually managed to develop into the number one position on the German market. Since 2017, IT-S has decided to operate globally and has chosen EPDOR to formulate a business strategy for development in several international markets (CEE, North Africa, Middle East). We analyzed the competition and potential customers for the client, identified the markets of primary and secondary interest and set up a business model for each of them.
In the second phase of the project, the EPDOR team actively supported the client's business development and was involved mainly in market research and building relationships with new clients, market communication and sales support, representing the client at local expert meetings or assisting in negotiating and modifying contracts.