EPDOR at the Electromobility 2020 conference
Last week, EPDOR representatives attended the Electromobility 2020 conference organized by B.I.D. Services. The conference brought the latest information in the field of electromobility, chiefly from the perspective of municipalities and businesses. Its main topics were, for example, trends in electromobility in the Czech Republic and abroad, legislative framework for electric vehicles, financing of electric vehicles - subsidies and other support mechanisms for electromobility in the Czech Republic, development in the charging infrastructure, pricing policy of energy suppliers, smartCity in transport - new technologies, synergies of electromobility and RES - use of solar energy in electric car charging, experience with real operation of electric cars in public administration and companies, and electromobility in the cities - use of electromobility in urban public transport and the future of urban parking.
The conference delivered valuable information for a number of our activities, especially for the study we are currently working on for the Ministry of Industry and Trade regarding energy savings in transport, but also for certain innovative solutions for green mobility that we are currently preparing with our partners.